Where can you find Case Calénc?
Casa Calénc is located between the Adriatic sea and the Apenine mountains. From our place in the borgo Cossure, you can see San Marino, San Leo, Rimini en Monte Perticara. And of cource the mountains and the sea.
Cities nearby are Rimini, Ravenna, Cesena, San Marino en Pesaro, Bologna is about 70 minutes away.
Casa Calénc
Via Rontagnano Cossure 137-138
47030 Sogliano al Rubicone (FC)
Frazione Rontagnano
Località Cossure
T 0039 3382386734 mobile
T 0039 0541 940028 fixed number
M han@montemeleto.com
or via the Netherlands:
T 00316 21867084 Han
T 00316 26568781 Liesbeth
In some road navigation systems Casa Calénc can be found under this address:
Via Montagnano Cossure. With a M in stead of a R.